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Hypnosis Trigger Word: PINK

You LOVE the color pink but it’s about to take on a whole new meaning for you. You’ve had some desires buried deep down that you can no longer ignore. The more you see the color pink, the more you can’t ignore its power over you.. More importantly, my control over you. The longer you listen, the less you can ignore your desires… Can you hold off your cravings or are you just going to keep watching on repeat?

Buy it here:

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The Ultimate Femdom Gift Giving Guide

What is the ultimate slave task? Understanding your Mistress. Think of your research into her/their preferences as slave training. Are you trying to impress your Mistress? Make her happy? GOOD. That is exactly what you should be doing as her loyal servant. A birthday shouldn’t pass without you celebrating with your Mistress. 

I’m turning 30 in the middle of April so I decided to create an easy guide for my loyal subs to find me a gift that we both will enjoy.

As with all gift giving, you should ask yourself “is this for them or is it for me?” The latter is fine but you should acknowledge that you are giving them a gift for you rather than investigating what they might want. If you want to knock it out of the ballpark, your best methods for success are research and paying attention. I think that successful gifting is based on how well you know someone’s love language which relates to their gift preferences.

  1. Service

Does your dominant talk about wanting to be able to do something or have something done but they don’t have the bandwidth, time or energy to do it themselves? Easy. If you can make it happen for them, do so. Ask questions if you aren’t sure of something. A great example of this is The Garden Path that one of my subs commissioned for me on my birthday a few years ago. I enjoy it immensely and it was one of the best gifts I’ve gotten.

  1. Something Useful

Everyone loves having that magic thing that fills a hole in their life or solves a problem, maybe one they didn’t know they had. In order to achieve this, you must know them well. A great example from my life is receiving a very nice set of knives when I started cooking. I didn’t know how amazing good knives are compared to the crappy ones I was using.

  1. Something Practical

Finding something practical that someone needs or wants is a pretty easy gifting opportunity and they will think of you whenever they use it. I have gotten tennis shoes, a sofa, clothes, kitchen items, things for my cats, gift cards that enabled me to complete a project or simply enjoy something. 

  1. Luxury Items

I feel that anything outside of the realm of what someone will normally spend on themselves is a luxury gift.Or an upgrade to something they already have. You usually have to ask or do research but it can be immensely exciting to get a gift that you wouldn’t buy for yourself. I’ve received jewelry, shoes, lingerie, dungeon furniture and a NAS set up to backup all my media.

  1. An Experience 

Do they talk about wanting to go somewhere or do something? Perfect! Whether it’s a trip to the spa or a trip to the beach, experiences are precious and the memory doesn’t fade. I’ve been taken on trips, taken to events, done crazy things and had my spa trips paid for. Big or small, I’ve loved every experience.

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4 Problems Submissives Face and How to Cope

train your husband to be your bdsm slave

I’m Afraid of Rejection

Everyone has been afraid of rejection at one point or another, it can feel even worse when you are looking for a kinky partner. You might feel weird or abnormal but you aren’t. Pre 50 Shades of Grey, 36% of Americans were into some form of BDSM. Considering the huge jump of inquiries I have gotten after the release of every 50 Shades movie and how many people use it as short hand, I imagine that number is higher now. For scope, ever so slightly more than 1 in every 3 people were kinky in 2005. Worldwide it was 1 in 5.

So if you’re weird, so is a large portion of the population. We just aren’t talking about it.


My Partner Isn’t Interested

The most difficult thing I personally think is finding someone whose interests match yours. This has nothing to do with anything being wrong with you or your partner, it just means you like different things. The real issue is that many people find it so difficult to talk about that it stews. You wouldn’t have a major issue over your partner not liking the same food or movies as you though, you would find a compromise. For some this means exploring together and service play (service topping) and for others it can mean opening up relationships. In both cases, it’s important to have clear negotiation and an open dialogue throughout.

I Can’t Say What I Want

Communication in all contexts is critical. Especially when it comes to play. At a certain point, you just have to bite the bullet and try to have a discussion Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Playing Went Wrong

I’m Afraid of Rejection

Everyone has been afraid of rejection at one point or another, it can feel even worse when you are looking for a kinky partner. You might feel weird or abnormal but you aren’t. Pre 50 Shades of Grey, 36% of Americans were into some form of BDSM. Considering the huge jump of inquiries I have gotten after the release of every 50 Shades movie and how many people use it as short hand, I imagine that number is higher now. For scope, ever so slightly more than 1 in every 3 people were kinky in 2005. Worldwide it was 1 in 5.

So if you’re weird, so is a large portion of the population. We just aren’t talking about it.


My Partner Isn’t Interested

The most difficult thing I personally think is finding someone whose interests match yours. This has nothing to do with anything being wrong with you or your partner, it just means you like different things. The real issue is that many people find it so difficult to talk about that it stews. You wouldn’t have a major issue over your partner not liking the same food or movies as you though, you would find a compromise. For some this means exploring together and service play (service topping) and for others it can mean opening up relationships. In both cases, it’s important to have clear negotiation and an open dialogue throughout.

I Can’t Say What I Want

Communication in all contexts is critical. Especially when it comes to play. At a certain point, you just have to bite the bullet and try to have a discussion Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Playing Went Wrong

Preach to the choir, we have all had something go wrong at some point. That is how you learn and the beauty of doing it with someone who is compassionate s that you ideally should be able to learn together. At least, that has largely been my experience. Sometimes it takes some time to find the right way to phrase things, communicate your needs or even find the right people but if you’re patient and diligent, you will find what you’re looking for.

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More than a Fantasy


The world of day dreams and fantasy is one that I have often found so captivating. In this realm, reality does not apply but that is also the draw back. I’ve caught my mind wandering to stranger and stranger places, ones that are familiar to me if I’m truly honest but that I hesitate to speak about to others. That is the power and captivation of the fantasy dreamland- I need not worry what others think. Sometimes I dare to wonder, do others have the same proclivities? If I wish hard enough, I can imagine a partner who is a perfect mirror to my perversions. Indulgent, wicked, precise. Without much appearance of effort, she has me in her clutches. Here is where I find myself, browsing the internet nestled in the privacy of my self indulgence. The world out there is vast, expanding further than my crude searches can encapsulate. Still, I fumble my way through erotic, tantalizing and quite graphic content until seemingly by fate.. I find her. Again, I dare to wonder. Could my desires be more than just a fantasy? With a click on a button, they are all but a fantasy.

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How to Avoid Being Scammed by a Fake Domme

I can't believe it's not a real domme

In current times it seems that someone or several someone’s have taken to impersonating me and many other Dommes online. They are using my image to steal money and information from people. Here are some ways to avoid having that happen to you and to learn how to spot a fake domme and avoid being scammed on dating sites.

My only official contact information is as follows:

Twitter: @rubyenraylls
Instagram: @Ruby_Enraylls_
Reddit: Rubyenraylls
Tumblr: seattlemistress

Scammers Are Sweet

A scammer will always reach out to you first, comment on your posts, like them, butter you up and make a lot of amazing promises! Does she sound like your dream domme? She probably isn’t real. Is she sending you a bunch of pictures and videos? Ask yourself why she might do this. Sometimes scammers play a long game, they may take a while to ask you for money (I had one who took months with me but her photos were cropped ones from a Suicide Girl.) They may even look and sound almost like the real thing, which can be frustrating when you’ve sent a message over Instagram and she didn’t respond. Unfortunately, DM’s run a risk of getting us banned! A patient sub is always a good sub. <3

Does the social media or account look legit?

Is the person using an actual domme’s name?

A key point in how to spot a fake domme is that they are using a variation of a name like instead of @rubyenraylls they are using @rubyenraylIs with a capitol I instead of an l. The rest of the social media will look the same, except the follower count will be much lower (unless they have reported the main account and gotten it deleted.) Does the name have a bunch of numbers after it or is it a different name entirely? (You can only figure out the latter by reverse google image searching but we will get to that.) Does it just tweet crap like domme memes? Does the account have almost no followers? Does it look a lot like another account but slightly different? Did the account reach out to you and start flirting? If the last one is true plus any of the above, the account is fake. Established Dommes don’t reach out. Sorry but we don’t.

Is it on a dating site?

If it’s on a kink or Fetish specific dating site, you are getting ripped off by the new Ashley Madison my friend. Every account on there is fake. Cancel your membership before someone convinces you to do something you regret. If you want to find someone, you need to be upfront. It sucks but trust me.

In all seriousness, many accounts have been reported to me on sites like Senior Domination, Sissy Dating sites and ABDL specific dating sites. I love all of these people but I do not seek people out on dating sites.

Please apply these tip to any dating site you use so you can avoid being scammed on dating sites and social media.

Always reverse google search the images

One of the most critical steps in learning how to spot fake dommes and find stolen images online is to reverse image search them. You see where the images come up elsewhere and see other information about the images.
Ask yourself: Do they bring up a website? Does the name match or is it different? What information here has been published first? What doesn’t match? Is the person I’m talking to shortening a longer name? Dommes don’t switch names . Our names are our brands. If the name doesn’t match the website or the branding is different, you have a fake domme.

Check the website

Does the domme in question have official social media and an email listed? Are is the person you are talking to using a different account and email but unable to respond with either of those methods posted on the official website? If so, the person you are talking to is absolutely 100% fake.

Does the writing style on the website match the way the person types to you or do they recognize references cited on the website at all? If not, that person is the same person.

Most importantly

If a person approaches you from an account that looks suspicious and asks you for money straight up, it is most likely a scammer. Dommes don’t have time for that crap.

If you find a scammer or fake using my images

Please take a screenshot and of your interactions and the account and send all of your information to my email:
Relevant information would be: Their profile link, any images they sent you, any conversation containing non sensitive information, any contact information you have for them.

Thank you, I value your help.

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