Seattle Kink

Top 5 Questions Everyone asks a Dominatrix

Seattle Dominatrix Ruby Enraylls in her seattle dungeon with a Slave

Have you ever wondered what your Dominatrix’ favorite bdsm activity is? Or how you can be a better a slave? Perhaps the following can point you in the right direction. Below are my 5 most frequently asked questions and my answers. You might find the questions and their answers a bit surprising. Seattle Dominatrix Ruby Enraylls has the answers to your questions and some tips.

What is your favorite thing to do in a session?

It depends on my connection with the person I’m playing with. Having overlapping interests is important. I’m big on bondage, predicaments and power exchange. I really enjoy mind fucks and getting to be creative. I often tend to get really into a theme for a while. A bit ago it was medical then ADBL, chastity roleplay scenarios, prisoner stuff… it’s always something and my specific interests seem to rotate and shift. I enjoy curating an experience for someone.. The more creative the better. I like longer scenes so I can build up ideas and get to know someone, knowing someone over a longer period of time helps with this as well. Nothing can beat intimate knowledge of the inner workings of someone.

What got you into BDSM and the Femdom lifestyle?

Like many of the people I talk to, I have been kinky for as long as I can remember. If you’ve read my about me, I talk about being kinky when I was pretty young, when it was literally just a game. I don’t see anything wrong with that, although many people I’ve spoken to want to find the reason they are into bdsm. This implies to me that it is something to be fixed when I don’t think that’s true. That’s like saying any preference is inherently wrong. It’s my belief that a homogeneous world is pretty dull, among other things.

But I digress. I’ve always had an interest in Bdsm and the very first adult images I found were femdom related. So it seems normal that I would trend that direction, especially considering that I was raised in a female dominant environment.

Are other people into my fetish?

The shortest answer is yes. I’ve played with many, many people and I can tell you with complete confidence that even if someone hasn’t engaged in your particular fetish, there’s definitely an interest. We live in a kinky world. The biggest barrier to entry is unfortunately, shame.

What do you find attractive in a submissive/slave?

The evil variation of this question is “will you go on a date with me” or worse “can I be your live in slave?” Before asking such questions, consider the one posed above and ask yourself “what do I like most about me?” Personally what I like most about my slaves is that they are considerate, kind and respectful. Every person I notice has a willingness to consider the needs and desires of others and makes an effort to do so. It’s often small things that make the biggest impressions.

Seattle Dominatrix Ruby Enraylls is dressed in black latex with her latex slave in her Seattle BDSM Dungeon where she takes requests for Femdom and mistress sessions

What can I do to have the best session with my Domina?

Communicate! Clearly, honestly and respectfully. Sending a long fantasy and play by play isn’t particularly helpful to be completely honest. Writing out a list of yes’s and no’s, hard and soft limits and any specific things you want to try is a great way to start. I prefer to communicate such things at the beginning of the session unless there is something you think I won’t have or something that will need to be prepped for or negotiated. As we get to know each other more, I find that sometimes planning gets a bit more elaborate and more communication before we meet up is necessary or desired.

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The Ultimate Human Toilet Guide for curious toilet slaves

human toilet sessions seattle dominatrix, human toilet guide

The Ultimate Human Toilet Guide

The Why, the risks and the surprising health benefits to being a human toilet or toilet slave

This is the ultimate Q&A for toilet slaves looking for more knowledge and scat mistresses looking for safety tips (although you should *always* consult your doctor, I consulted one while writing this.)

What is a human toilet?

A human toilet is someone who gets sexual gratification or satisfaction from consuming the feces of another person. There are many psychological components to how this works but it is generally done in a BDSM context.

Many toilets start with drinking their partner’s urine but some also start or end up consuming their feces as well. Occasional a toilet starts out by consuming their own waste out of curiosity; some just start beneath the seat,jumping headfirst into the experience . It’s not uncommon for a toilet fetish to have some cross over with scat fetishistism. This consists of fantasizing about smearing feces on themselves or others. In my experience, it’s common place for toilets to enjoy watching someone go to the bathroom. Fantasizing about the act- Wishing in their hearts they could be underneath. For most toilets the true focus is on feces and not just urine. Being a true complete human toilet usually involves a commitment to the full experience, after all once you are a toilet you may have little choice in the matter. While some people are strongly opposed, which should be respected and discussed ahead of time, many toilets end up accepting both. Although I would say there is some crossover, I would add an additional qualifier to those people or put them in an alternate category altogether.

Why would someone be interested in being a toilet slave?

It is hard sometimes to pinpoint why a fetish is developed and held strongly. Oftentimes it is a combination of things. For some it’s a component of humiliation; being “forced” or degraded to the status of an object meant for waste. For others it’s an intimate act involving consumption of all things that come from their partner. The consumption makes them feel closer, like a form of worship and adoration for their partner. A gift from their partner, being willing to accept anything and take a part of them to nourish their body. In my experience speaking to toilets it is seen as an ultimate taboo to be with another human during the time that they are having a bowel movement. It is an intimate experience. It is seen as “very naughty” to watch someone have a bowel movement. Many were fascinated starting when they were young. Often times it seems like it’s one of those kinks that you were just born with not something that truly develops suddenly., At least that’s been my experience for what it’s worth. Not all toilets have the same desires. Some do not want to consume, some just enjoy watching and feeling as though they are a toilet to be used. Sometimes this means having waste in their mouth, sometimes it means just being under someone going to the bathroom. The point is being part of the intimate act of someone else using the bathroom and feeling as though they are beneath that person. Every toilet’s enjoyment is unique.

Is toilet slavery safe?

All BDSM activity has a risk, some activities have higher risks than others but only you can gauge whether an activity is too high risk for you.
Some risks associated with toilet slavery are bacterial, viral and parasitic infections as well as STI’s and aspiration.

In detail, what are the risks?

Instinctively you might say “getting sick” but what does that actually mean? From my research the biggest risk factors from eating feces relate to the person you are consuming from. This risk comes from bacteria living inside the person and from any disease they might have. Everyone has bacteria that can be either helpful or harmful, there is no negating that risk factor. The good news there is that since everyone’s gut bacteria is different, if you don’t get sick from eating someone’s feces once, it is highly unlikely that you will get sick from consuming that particular person’s feces in the future unless they are ill or acquire a disease.

Any diseases that are passed in feces are a concern. Urine is by and large sterile and not a concern in most cases. The most common serious disease to watch out for is hepatitis. Avoiding people who are unhealthy/currently sick and people who are in living in very unsanitary conditions is a must. It is also worthwhile to exercise caution with someone who has recently visited a country or place where they might have ingested something unsavory such as a tapeworm. If someone is currently sick they can pass that on to you and you can get sick. It is also important also keep in mind that anything they eat/consume will get passed on to you. This can include remnants of food and medications. Be very mindful of who you choose to participate in this activity with. If you have any specific health issues it is a good idea to discuss with your partner. The same goes with urine. (I’ll get your feel wet on the topic of the safety of drinking urine in a different article.)

Full list of Risk Factors:

Bacterial Infections:
In this case it is important to note that most people with a bacterial infection of consequence will appear sick. Symptoms usually include watery and profuse diarrhea occurring multiple times a day. This can be associated with nausea, vomiting, fevers,and abdominal pain. Often times the bowel movement appears “unhealthy” with either blood, mucus, or pus mixed in. Common bacteria of concern include: Cholera, C. difficile, Shigella, Salmonella, Vibro speciess, Pathogenic E coli, Campylobacter Jejuni. It is worth noting that some individuals can be carriers of Salmonella without symptoms. It is very uncommon for this to be the case in the US so the risk is very low. C. Difficile can also be carried without symptoms but is usually not an issue unless you have a weak immune system or have been recently on antibiotics.

Viral Infections:
Most of the viral infections also present with people appearing sick. Symptoms are often times indistinguishable from a bacterial infection aside from nausea and vomiting being more common. Occasionally someone with a viral hepatitis will have jaundice or very dark colored urine. Certain viruses are also associated with “common cold” symptoms. Common viral infections include Hepatitis A and E, Enteroviruses, Norovirus, rotovirus, and polio virus. Most people should have been vaccinated against Polio and Rotovirus. A vaccine for Hepatitis A is available and is reasonable to request from your doctor. If you are concerned you can get titers to prove you are immune through your doctor.

Parasitic Infections:
While parasitic infections do exist, they are incredibly uncommon in otherwise healthy adults in developed countries. While I will not delve into to many details, they include Entameba histolytica, giardia, cryptosporidium, toxoplasma gondii, tape worms, and ascaris. Typically risk factors for acquiring relate to eating and drinking unclean food and water, for example drinking unpurified water from a stream or in a country that might not clean their water as thoroughly. Symptoms can range from minor to more severe. Most parasites can be tested for in your doctor’s office.

It is also worth noting that as with any other food there is a risk of it going down the wrong pipe. Since feces contains a large quantity of bacteria there is potentially a slightly higher risk of pneumonia if this happens. Make sure you flush properly.

Body Fluids:
As with any intimate encounter their is a risk of exposure to bodily fluids (blood, semen, vaginal secretions). These can carry the commonly sexually transmitted infections. I advise most to discuss these issues with their partners before engaging in any consensual activity and the same applies here.

There are health benefits?
Now that we have talked about the risks involved, let’s talk about what you might not know- that ingesting fecal matter can have some health benefits as well if your partner is carefully selected.

There is an emerging field in medical science that is called the “microbiome”. This relates to the idea that the bacteria that reside in and on us help regulate any number of things in the body. In particular there is research that show certain types of bacteria can influence obesity, cancer, autoimmune disease, and overall health. This even includes things you might not expect such as depression. There are cases where a “transplant” of bacteria can cause fat mice to be skinny, it is worth noting that the bacteria came from fecal matter and is introduced to the new mice via an oral route. The reverse is also true. This has been seen in limited human studies as well. While in most cases there is no agreement yet amongst doctors and scientists as to how this information applies to humans, it suggests that consuming the feces of a healthy happy donor can benefit toilets in a way that keeps them healthy. It also potentially implies that the reverse is true: that an unhealthy partner can pass on some unhealthy traits. As with all activities you want to ensure both you and your partner are healthy. Interestingly enough for one condition, c. difficile, a fecal transplant (usually in the form of pills not direct consumption) can be effective when antibiotics have failed.

Hopefully I’ve presented you with some useful data if you are exploring toilet play and if you are grossed out by toilet play I hope to have humanized the people who are into it. I think all topics no matter how taboo are worth exploring at least once and you should always look into the risk factors before delving in head first, you might be surprised what you discover about yourself when you push yourself a little beyond your comfort zone.

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Clip: Seduced Coercion Intox Drinking Game


It’s saturday night and you’re bored, I’m bored too. I have a fun game to play, are you ready for a challenge? Good, just look into my venomous eyes and have a little gaze. It makes you feel intoxicated doesn’t it? Good. That’s just the beginning. Now things are going to get fun. Let’s get some booze in the mix and I’ll put my little spell on you. Just sit tight and watch the spiral… ….. …. …. … … .. .. .. .. Oh? Did you fall asleep? I must have done something to you. Don’t worry, I’m not all that evil. I’m just going to manipulate you into getting drunk for me! Then the real fun will begin! Hahaha! You won’t be able to resist me at all if you’re drunk, will you?

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Clip: Coerced Blackmail Fantasy – Now You’re My Bitch


Oops, did you mean to do that? I don’t think so. I just put you under and forced you to please me and do give me whatever information I see fit. Hahah! Now you have to do whatever I say! Using my deliciously sweet pussy I’m going to tease you into giving me control over EVERYTHING and there’s NOTHING you can do. I’m going to shake my perfect bubble butt right in your face too and make you completely helpless to resist my hypno powers! What ever will you do when I have complete control over your life? NOTHING. Deal with it, loser.

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Clip: Your Ex Left You Because of Findom


You thought you were a man? That’s funny. You can only get hard to chicks humiliating you. You’re not even a boy. You’re some kind of worm or fungus maybe. That’s why I left you. You could never get hard. You’re pathetic and it’s time you admit it, you’re addicted to findom and I’m going to prove it to you. I’m going to use my hypnotic powers to force you to see your fate- A pathetic masturbating weakling addicted to abuse, under the heel of cruel women for the rest of your life with no escape. Always being left by normal women because you’re not good enough for us! So suck it!

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Clip: Orgasmic Mind Control – Hands Free Orgasm Training 1


Oh, my deliciously obedient pet- You’ve been so good lately that I’ve decided to reward you with my powerful mind control for pleasure. Although I can’t promise I won’t abuse it, I’m going to start training you to not require any contact at all in order to orgasm. As long as you relax, obey and do exactly as I tell you to. I know that you’re obedient and want to please me so there’s no doubt you will. Not that you have much choice, we both know you can’t fight against my hypno powers- You’re a fly caught in my never ending web. Soon enough, you’ll need to hear or read a single phrase uttered by your Mistress in order to achieve bliss.

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Clip: Blondes Have More Fun with Corporal Punishment


Mistress Ruby invites Mistress Skylar over for some R&R and after some discussion it is discovered that Mistress Skylar had a bad weekend. She needs to get out some frustrations. Luckily, Mistress Ruby has just the boy in mind, along with the right set of implements to help Mistress Skylar relax and get her mind off her troubles. Poor Blue did not know what he was in for with these two lovely blonde Dominas and their arsenal of wicked wares.

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Chastity Mind Control – Quit Masturbation 1


You are the weaker gender of the species, it’s time to admit it. Your cock is what makes you weak and women are what drive you to create and also destroy yourself- Sucks to be you. HAH! Fortunately, I hold the keys to your freedom and also your demise; Chastity. I am going to lock away your desires with the snap of my fingers and force you to be my little cuckolded bitch, just like you deserve. You can’t resist me and you might as well just give in to my erotic magic before you hurt yourself trying too hard to control yourself. We both know it won’t work anyways. I own your cock and you, now I own your mind too.

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Clip: Exploit- Mind Control Males Into Servitude


You want to please your Mistress, don’t you? I know you do. You’re always so desperate to do just exactly as I say. Relax, pay close attention and you’ll make me very happy. That makes you happy too, doesn’t it? Watch the spiral, closely. Good. Let your eyes focus in on it and let the sound of my voice drown out any other distractions. You’ll find that whatever makes me happy, makes you happy too. You’ll find yourself slowly going into a trance as you watch me. The longer you watch, the harder it is to resist. Isn’t it? Now, I want you to pay close attention to what I say and understand that I only want what’s best for you, isn’t that right? Good boy. Isn’t that wonderful that I know what’s best for you. Good boy.. Now deep sleep…

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