forced fem

Sissy Slut Shopping List

Seattle Dominatrix Ruby Enraylls the Ultimate Femdom rules the world from her beautiful seattle dungeon, no slave can resist a tempting seattle mistress like Ruby Enraylls

Hello, my little sissy in training. Today, we’re starting with a little shopping trip for some new toys!
If you’re going to be a good little sissy for me, that means you’ll be sucking cocks.
That means, you need something to practice on and work your little mouth out! So for your first outing, you are to go to a sex toy store and pick up a nice dildo for you to practice sucking on.

Next. you’re going to get nice and dolled up for me and that means shopping for slutty clothes! Get a wig to make you look all nice & pretty for me. Then get a pair of stockings, as well. Don’t forget to get a pair of slutty panties, or a bunch from Victoria’s Secret.

I want you to wear them regularly under your normal clothes to remind you how much of a pussy you are for me. Get a bra or a bustier – some little slutty thing to wear with the rest of your outfit.
No clashing colors! Make sure they match! Get a pair of heels. You’ll be needing them if you’re going to suck cock for me.

Now it’s time for your face. Go to either Sephora or a drug store.
Obviously I don’t shop at a drugstore because you can’t look this good shopping at a drugstore.
For makeup, you will go in person and buy:
Because I want you to suck cock for me and no one wants a nasty man sucking cock.
First, a primer
Then a foundation to cover up all your stubble so you don’t look like a man.
Then a setting powder
Then eyeshadow and an eyeshadow primer
Maybe a concealer.
You’re just a baby, so you don’t need false eyelashes yet.
Then I will teach you how to put it all on. Your first few attempts will be pitiful because you’re just transitioning into being a slut for me, aren’t you?
I’ll teach you how to suck cocks, too.
Soon you’ll be my little daughter slut, won’t you?

Purchase this Sissy clip here.

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Five Sissy Slut Tasks

I hope you have all your accessories handy, my good little slut to be! I have a task for you! It’s going to be good so you better be ready.
Remember that video from before? The shopping list? Go get the list and make sure you have everything. I’ll wait.
First task: put on bra and panties like the good little slutty sissy that you are
Wear them under your clothes to work.
If anyone sees them, they’ll know you’re a little sissy for me, won’t they?
Second: Put your butt plug in and go to a strip club.
Buy a lap dance and tell her what you’re into
Have her humiliate you, like I do to you.
You’re going to have a great time being treated like trash by a stripper.
Third: put on makeup, lingerie, wig
Fourth: Take pictures and post on craigslist
Last: Offer blowjobs for me.
If you really have balls, are a real sissy for me, you will meet someone from craigslist and suck their cock for me.
You just had to be convinced that you are a little cocksucking sissy.
Are you going to puss out?
I bet you are jerking off to the idea of doing all of them.

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