sissy school

Clip: Slut School Sissy Training

Seattle strapon dominatrix Ruby Enraylls

Welcome to Slut School, Have you ever thought about dick? I’m going to teach you allll about it. You’re eager to learn aren’t you? I’m sure you’ll make a good student once my big dick is inside you. Have you ever put anything inside you? I’m sure you’ve thought about it. After I’m done with you, you’re going to be a pro!

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Clip: Slut School Sissy Training Read More »

Feminization Clip: Sissy Slut, Go Buy a Dildo!

Hey slut in training, I’ve decided to up the ante. Do you think you can handle it? This next little trick involves an outing. Not of your information, this isn’t blackmail. Get all tarted up for me- Nice and slutty with a cute pair of heels. Find a shady sex toy toy and go there on a Saturday night. While dressed, of course. To prove it you’ll have to send me pictures or have the girl working the counter send me some pictures of you there.

Then you’ll have to buy 3 things and send me pictures of yourself using them. If you’re a good little slut, you’ll do just that. You want to be good for your Mistress, don’t you? This is all part of your training to be the perfect little sissy slut for me. Are you up for it, or are you a little wuss?

I bet you’re desperate to be the best little slut you can be.
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Feminization Clip: Sissy Slut, Go Buy a Dildo! Read More »